The One Thing Every Seller Should Do in Meridian, Idaho

The One Thing Every Seller Should Do in Meridian, Idaho (Hint: Clean!)

Every great realtor thinks they have the secret to selling your home. I should know — I’m a realtor, too!

But honestly? I think sellers make the process of listing their homes way too complicated. Between staging an old house and packing for a new one, most people don’t have free time to implement a million marketing tips and tricks. They just want to get the old place sold!

And that’s why my #1 recommendation is super straightforward: clean your house.

We all have that one friend whose home smells like the cat litter aisle. We don’t judge them for it — we love our pets! — but we also don’t want to live with it. Good thing your house doesn’t stink, right?

Unless… it does. And you just don’t know it. Because, after years of living with the various aromas of your own living space, you are certifiably *nose blind.*

I know — it’s a horrifying thought. But it happens to the best of us.

The reality is that when selling your home, the power of smell cannot be overstated. I’ve seen houses sell for 15% less than they otherwise would have simply because they reeked of animals, food, or mildew.

Sounds dramatic, right? So, let’s look at the numbers:

Studies show that 75% of emotions are triggered by smell, which is linked to pleasure, well-being, and memory. You want your home to leave an impression on people, but as a seller, you definitely want that impression to be positive.

That’s why I encourage my clients to prioritize cleaning — sans air freshener. When showing a house, the best scent is no scent at all.

If you’re still not sold (pun intended), consider that the sense of smell is the first of our senses to develop as humans. Even before we’re born, our sense of smell is fully formed and functioning. That means it’s really powerful!

Moreover, the human brain can process roughly 10,000 smells in an area the size of a postage stamp, each triggering a neural response. The ol’ olfaction can pick up the tiniest of details.

Again, this is why my clients and I strive for houses with no overpowering scents, even those that might be considered pleasant. You probably love your lilac-scented candle, but to a potential buyer, it might smell like the culprit of their spring allergies. Not a happy association.

So, if you’re considering selling your home in Meridian any time soon, let’s connect! Goodness “nose,” you wouldn’t want to lower the price of your home just because the scent is a little off.