How to Make a Good First Impression on Homebuyers in Meridian

How to Make a Good First Impression on Homebuyers in Meridian

Did you know people form their first impression of you within seven seconds? It’s true. And the same goes for your house.

There’s a reason we all scramble to clean our baseboards before the holidays, even though we ignore them for ten months out of the year. On an intuitive level, I think we all know that our outer worlds reflect our inner ones. And nobody wants either of those spaces judged by their in-laws.

Is your kitchen cluttered with dirty dishes and countertop appliances? When was the last time your bathroom got a good scrub? Does your spare bedroom double as a dumping ground?

Often, we don’t consider our own chaos until it’s on display—and nothing screams “Public!” like putting your home on the market.

Suddenly, dozens of strangers are parading through your house, making note of your cleanliness and interior design skills. It may sound harsh, but the fact is, people do judge books by their covers. If you want your property to sell for top dollar, you must make those first seven seconds count.

While it’s true that homes in the Meridian area are in demand and selling relatively quickly, a few quick upgrades can maximize the offers you receive. In one weekend, you could increase the value of your property by thousands of dollars. Worth a shot, right?

(Because let’s face it: Inflation is out here kicking butt and taking names.)

If you’re not sure where to begin, I’ve got your back. As a realtor in the Meridian area, here are four suggestions I often give to my sellers:

  1. Enhance your curb appeal. Before prospective buyers even enter your house, the clock is ticking. In fact, most people will form their first impression on your front doorstep. That means it’s vital to remove twigs and toys from your lawn, cut back your bushes, and sweep around the door. Better yet, consider getting your house professionally power-washed! It’s quick, affordable, and lets buyers know you care.
  1. Declutter. Now is the time to organize your spare bedroom dumping ground. As much as I’d love to see your unfinished craft projects from five years ago (I have a storage room full of them), prospective buyers are more interested in the condition of your carpet.
  1. Start packing. You don’t need to start emptying your refrigerator (unless something smells. Then, have at it), but this is a great opportunity to pack up your family photos and other sentimental items. Because who wants a bunch of strangers peeking at their most precious memories?
  1. Put your kitchen appliances away. I love my KitchenAid, but if I were selling my house, I would store it in the cupboard. That goes for my blender, coffee pot, and toaster as well. Clean counters are prettier than cluttered ones (and they make your kitchen look more spacious!).

While none of these suggestions take an exorbitant amount of time or effort, I’ve seen the ROI more times than I can count. When you make changes like these, you give your home its best shot at making a positive first impression.

I’m always honest with my clients—no sugarcoating—so here’s the bottom line.

You can’t sell your house “as is” and get top dollar anymore.

But you can take one weekend to declutter (and hey, maybe hit those baseboards, too) and make a positive first impression on homebuyers—with seconds to spare.