The Best Women’s Clothing Store in Boise, Idaho

The Best Women's Clothing Store in Boise, Idaho

I don’t know about you, but shopping for clothes always goes one of two ways for me: fabulously or… well… horribly.

There’s something about the aggressive fluorescent lighting and cookie-cutter sameness of clothing outlets that makes shopping a truly torturous experience. If you’ve been in one chain store, you’ve been in them all (and somehow, you still can’t find that perfect pair of jeans!?).

When I really have to buy a new outfit — usually for a wedding — and I drag myself to the mall at the last minute, it’s like getting sent straight to the fourth ring of hell. The clothes are factory-made, overpriced, and unflattering in those fun-house-esque fitting room mirrors.

This is the greatest country on earth! How did we get here?!

Okay, I know I’m being a bit melodramatic, but the fact remains that unless you strike literal gold, shopping for clothes is a chore.

And that’s why I love Voxn Clothing in Boise. Because friends don’t let friends shop at chain stores.

Over eight years ago, the founder of Voxn moved to our city with big dreams and high hopes. She wanted to design beautiful, functional apparel.

There was just one problem: Boise didn’t have much in the way of apparel design jobs. So, she decided to change the landscape in the Valley!

Voxn sells everything from activewear to dresses to accessories — all designed in Boise. I’ve visited their storefront several times, and I always leave looking better than when I arrived.

As a realtor, my career is client-facing, so a well-stocked wardrobe is a must. I love that I can visit an aesthetically pleasing store and browse unique, comfortable, fashionable clothing that’s actually worth the price tag. It’s such a weight off my shoulders whether or not I’m crunched for time.

So, if you’re looking for great fashion, I highly recommend checking out Voxn Clothing! You’ll be glad you did.